Call for participants
You have a story you could tell. Why not share it with us?
Submit Your Story
We're looking for good stories about extreme situations: a moment where you felt overwhelmed by emotion and circumstance.
Beginning with the words "I am ... " and in 300-500 words, describe, in the present tense, the exact moment you found yourself in The Overwhelm. In that moment, what are you doing? Do you panic? Do you cry? Do you laugh? Do you freeze? Write about the moment without judgement — at least, don't judge your actions or your reactions — and try to place the listener/reader in your shoes. For now, we just want to know the circumstances, the "what happens."
We want this to be a safe(r) space. Tell your story as honestly as possible. You don't have to be a writer or a performer, either. We want to interview as many different kinds of people as possible.
What to Expect
If we choose your submission, we'll ask you to be a guest on the podcast and read your submission aloud.
Then we'll talk about the moment. We'll ask you questions, but you can ask questions too. It's supposed to be a conversation.
We may look to archive text submissions in a print anthology in the future — but for now, this is an audio project.
We're currently reading submissions and building a tentative recording schedule. We will accept submissions on a rolling basis and announce on this website (and through our social media) when submissions are closed.
Tell your story the way you want it to be told — but know that we're here to help if you want some assistance with the writing (just let us know in the submission form).